Monday, September 14, 2009

Planning for the week

So this week is going to be pretty busy.  I will be shooting an athlete (rower) this Saturday morning hoping to get some great shots for her to use for her sponsorship package, as well as some great shots for me to use in my commercial portfolio.  
  Planning for the week begins with a few items.  First I've got to make sure I know what I'm going to be shooting and that the site is available for the day of the shoot.  Luckily I'll be using the Don Rowing Club, of which I am already a member, and I'm very family with the layout and course.  So that saves me on steps one and two (scouting).  I will have to think of all the shots I'd like to get ahead of time and make sure that everyone and everything that I need for the shot to happen are going to be there the day of the shoot.  This probably means renting some gear as I'm waiting for a few more weeks until I get the toys I need to do this sort of shoot on my own.  I'll be renting battery powered lights and likely a camera and lens (Nikon D700 and 14-24 2.8 or 4.0).  Since I've got 5 days until the shoot I might try some dry runs with what gear I've got now in order to make sure I don't waste any time when we're on on Saturday.  For the day of, my production manager, Eitan, will be there assisting me as well as my friend Ben and perhaps some others.  I still need to find an operator for a coach boat so that I can get some shots of my athlete from the water.  So I'm hoping for a crew of 4 including myself and not including the talent of course.  

In the mean time.  I've got a lot of editing to work on since I've been a bit lazy in that department and I hope to get all of it done by tomorrow's end since I've got a corporate event booked on Wednesday and I'd really like to have a clear plate from that shoot onwards.  As I get busier it's clear to me that time management is going to be a large factor to my success.

Lastly, I'd like to add that today I picked up my first Magic arm and I'm really enjoying the thoughts and ideas that are coming into my head just thinking about what I can do with this thing.  Pictures to come shortly!

Thank you for reading!

David Dvir

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